In this course you will learn the fine arts of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Nationally qualified accountants and auditors can now update their skills to meet the challenges involved in adopting and implementing IFRS in their workplace.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are mandated in more than 100 countries worldwide. All listed companies in the European Union (EU) have to prepare consolidated company accounts that comply with IFRS. It also affects associates and subsidiaries of EU-listed companies.
Other countries such as UAE, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Africa have already adopted IFRS or equivalents as their local Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). And many other countries around the world, including India, are moving towards applying IFRS, which is having a significant impact on financial reporting.
We have been conducting Distance Learning through online classes to different parts of UAE as well as GCC countries and some parts of Asia and had proven to generate great results. Our current situation made this online approach more convenient for many students as they save their time and money instead of attending the traditional classroom training.
The ACCA diploma in IFRS has been developed by the Association of certified chartered Accountants (ACCAUK). A way to learn the fine art of international Financial Reporting, That gives a detailed insight of how Apply IFRS.
Diploma in IFRS is a fast and efficient solution that will develop the current knowledge of Financial Reporting at international standards.
The Diploma in IFRS training in Dubai will enable you to:
A single (3hours & 15 minutes) written exam that requires a candidate to achieve a 50 % score or above to pass the exam. The Exam is held twice in year This diploma in IFRS exam is held in Dubai twice a year. ACCA exam center in Dubai and Abu Dhabi conduct Diploma in IFRS exam in June and December.
Bright Future’s DipIFR trainers are ACCA qualified, having updated knowledge of IFRS and practical experience of how to apply IFRS in real environment. Our DipIFR training is designed around the syllabus of the ACCA Diploma in IFRS.
Our expert trainers give you the insight of the course and prepare you for IFRS exam conducted by the ACCA in Dubai.
Face to Face classroom training
Prepare rigorously before competitive exam
Online training for distance learners
Take the advantage of study at home while saving the time and cost of transportation
Study Materials
o Comprehensive text book by approved publisher
o Trainer’s designed PowerPoint Presentations
o Mock Exam Q & A
Candidates will leave us with two awarding certificates:
The ACCA certificate in International Financial Reporting Standards (Cert IFR) is designed to prove a comprehensive introduction to the nature and the application if Financial Reporting Standards while drafting financial reporting. Cert IFR benefits ACCA members who gained their qualification prior to the introduction of IFRS. For ACCA members whose qualifications are already based on IFRS, the Cert IFR is an opportunity to update their IFRS knowledge for recent IASB publications.
IFRS standards are now mandated for use by more than 100 countries, including European Union and by more than two – third of the G20 countries.
IFRS provides a set of rules to abide by when preparing an entity’s accounts, ensuring this standardization across the market. The objective of Cert IFR is to make you familiar with financial standards that make your financial reports globally accepted. Certificate in IFRS will help assist you:
Nationally qualified accountants and auditors. An educational or vocational background in financial reporting is recommended before starting the certificate in IFRS.
The certificate in IFRS is assessed by a one-hour online exam with multiple choice questions. Online exam can be booked anytime from anywhere.
Our IFRS trainers are ACCA qualified, having updated knowledge of IFRS and practical experience of how to apply IFRS in real environment. Our Cert IFR training is designed around the syllabus of the ACCA Diploma in IFRS.
Our expert trainers give you the insight of the course and prepare you for online exam conducted by the ACCA.
Candidates will leave us with two awarding certificates:
Bright Future is committed to culminate the wished results with a perfect blend of senior educationists and young breed of energetic trainers on its faculty. We are an affiliate partner of British Council and consistently generating 7 -9 Bands of both ielts academic and ielts general tests.
Bright Future is committed to culminate the wished results with a perfect blend of senior educationists and young breed of energetic trainers on its faculty. We are an affiliate partner of British Council and consistently generating 7 -9 Bands of both ielts academic and ielts general tests.
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