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General vs. Academic IELTS Differences




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General vs. Academic IELTS Differences. IELTS General Training and Academic tests are both scored using 9-bands scale. And are divided into sections. A full band score is 6, while a half-band score is four.


IELTS Academic is an important test for students who want to study in an English-speaking country or migrate to another country. This version tests candidates’ proficiency in the language for topics such as workplace terminology, social survival, and job applications. It is also accepted by some private organizations and immigration agencies.

The IELTS Academic test includes reading passages and is shorter than the general IELTS test. It includes 40 questions and a time limit of 60 minutes. Candidates will have to read three paragraphs and answer related questions about them. The texts can be factual, analytical, or descriptive.


While the two IELTS exams have some similarities, there are also some differences. For instance, both tests feature identical listening and speaking modules, but the IELTS Academic exam also has a different writing and reading section. Ultimately, you should choose the IELTS test that best suits your needs.

Academic IELTS is slightly harder than the General IELTS exam. You’ll need to use strategies and logical argumentation skills to succeed in the Academic test. Academic IELTS scores are most often required for job applications abroad. You can check with the organization you’re applying to for details.


The IELTS Writing Module has different sections. The general test has questions about general interest topics, while the academic test requires more complex vocabulary articles. Each section of the writing test has its own specific goals. A successful IELTS test will show you can use a broad range of vocabulary to convey a complex idea.

The General Training version of the IELTS Writing Module consists of three tasks, each with its own format. Each task requires you to write a minimum of 150 words and has a 20-minute time limit. The first task requires you to respond to a question about a topic of general interest. In the second section, you must analyze a diagrammatic representation and articulate it. The writing task must be at least 150 words and be on topic.


The IELTS writing test includes two tasks: task 1 and task 2. In both tasks, the IELTS examiner is looking for coherence and cohesion. Coherence is the connection between your ideas. The exam is not only looking for the connection between ideas, but it’s also looking for the progression of ideas. This category accounts for 25% of your overall score in both writing tasks.

Coherence is a measure of how well you structure your ideas. It makes it easier to follow what you are writing. Coherence is an important part of IELTS writing task 2 as it accounts for 25% of your score. Using clear sentences and a clear structure will help you score high in this section.


You might be wondering what the difference is between the General and Academic IELTS Reading Module. First of all, they are different in the way they test the level of your reading skills. The General Reading Module tests your comprehension of a lengthy passage while the Academic Reading Module tests your skills in more specific, academic topics.

While there are some significant differences between the two IELTS tests, they basically involve the same skills. The General Module focuses on everyday language, while the Academic module focuses on more specialized topics. The reading material is approximately 1500 words long and includes more academic reading extracts and scientific articles. The Academic version is more appropriate for those who want to attend university abroad, or for those who are looking to relocate to an English-speaking country.


Writing is one of the most difficult parts of the IELTS exam, so a good strategy is to practice as much as you can before the test. Even minor mistakes can result in a band 7 score, but you should try to avoid making too many. Bigger errors can result in a significant deduction from your score. The way examiners evaluate grammar is through the concept of Grammatical Range and Accuracy, or GRAC. Grammar is a complex subject that takes years to learn and even then, most people can’t use it perfectly.

For the Task Achievement section of the IELTS exam, you must answer the question “What do you think this infographic means?” by using at least 150 words. It is one of four writing criteria that contributes to your overall writing band score. In IELTS Writing, you must answer a question with evidence, and you must follow the instructions of the question in order to be successful.

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Mrs. Tessie Ragadio
With close to two and a half decades of experience in this field.